Monday, May 31, 2010

A trip to the ER!

So, today started off a little shaky and seemed to get worse as the day went on. Uncle Scott had gone to a Cardinals game in St. Louis with grandpa and great gpa, so we were on our own today. Shane got up this morning and indicated he felt dizzy off and on all morning, which scared us a little bit since he got hit pretty hard with the golf ball. He wasn't sure what he should do, so he contacted the doctor's office to get their opinion. They said it didn't sound like it was too bad, but if he didn't start to feel better by the afternoon, we should call back. So, he layed in bed most of the morning and it didn't seem to be getting better. Every time he got up, he felt dizzy and had to sit back down. So, he called them back and the instructed him to go to the promt care, which we did. And, after about five minutes of checking him out, they instructed us to go to the ER to have more tests done. So, off we went...all four of us! I had thought about calling to have someone watch the kids, but then decided against it...which ended up to be just fine cause Dina came up to the hospital with us, so she helped to keep them occupied. We were at the ER for over three hours, which was way too long for what they actually some tests, and do a head scan to make sure there was no internal damage. After the results came back, we were thankful that all was well, and there was no major damage to his bone structure or to the brain itself. They indicated it was vertigo, so thankfully they sent us on our way with good news!! Now, it was just going to have to heal on its own, and they gave him some medicine for the dizziness. So, what could have been a lot worse, seemed to be minor...simply more embarrassing for Shane to have to relive the story to all the doctors and nurses!! :-) He will never live this one down!!

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