Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Today was a great day! Shane had wanted to start my day with breakfast in bed, but he thought it was more important that I get more slep, so he didn't wake me up! He is being really great, and I definitely appreciated that so much this morning. He basically told me that I should try to stay in bed all day long and not to come down the steps at all. He would only be a text or phone call away if I needed anything all day I tried to abide by the rules. I have to admit, having him at my beckon call sounded very nice, but I truly actually felt guilty. So, I tried to do as little as possible, but did manage to get down the stairs a few times.
Shane was finally able to get the landscaper to come out today and grade the back yard. So, he took Olivia outside for most of the day to help him and then do some additional prep work in order to lay the seed. Olivia loved being outside with Dad all day...even though it was Mother's Day...but did manage to get inside to check on me and Lucas from time to time throughout the day as well. Every time she came in, she gave us both hugs and kisses and wished me a Happy Mother's Day. It couldn't have been any better! She is being so cute and loving with him and again is jumping into the big sister role perfectly.
After a while, I was served lunch in bed by my sweet little angel and she had lunch with me. I was also able to get a shower in which sounds simple, but actually makes me feel a little more human and like I am starting to finally get back to a new new normal.
Later in the afternoon, Aunt Jenny came over to bvisit and yes, she brought us food as well. She actually brought two dinners so we could freeze one for another night. She visited for a while and then we simply relaxed the rest of the evening. Dad brought dinner to Olivia and I in bed again, so we enjoyed just spending time together. Again, it was nice for both my babies to fall asleep next to me.
Before bed, we gave Lucas his first bath at home, which he didn't seem to enjoy. He cried the entire time, but Mommy sure had fun! It was a tag team effort between Shane and I so we could get it done as quickly as possible. This might be the first of many things which seem to be different for girls and boys, because Olivia absolutely loves her bath time, so we will have to wait and see!

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