I got up early this morning with Shane and Olivia to have breakfast with them before they left for work and school. Depending on how often I have to get up in the middle of the night with Lucas and what time his early morning feeding is, I haven't been getting up with them, so was glad I got the chance this morning. I actually went back to sleep though after they left and Lucas let me sleep for three hours straight, which was extremely wonderful and I felt great! Afterwards, I took it easy (shock) the rest of the morning and got a few things completed on the checklist. Shane got off work early again today, which was great, but he is going to start to get me used to it. We had lunch, but then he went golfing. So, apparently getting up a few times last night didn't affect him too much!
After golfing, Shane picked up Olivia from preschool. Parker was pretty upset that Olivia was leaving before him, so Shane picked him up too and brought him back to the house to play for a little bit too. Shell, Tim and the kids were only over for a while, but then we had Crystal and Patrick over for pizza. It was great to see them, and they were of course excited to see Olivia and meet Lucas for the first time. Olivia was a little out of the oridnary tonight, because she is usually really shy around Patrick, but tonight was quite the opposite. Out of the blue, she crawled up right in his lap and wouldn't leave him alone. She had her blanket and she kept trying to cover up his head and vice versa. He was playing along quite well, longer in fact, than I think anyone else would have had the patience for! :-)
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