Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Looooong days....

The past two days were spent mostly in bed with Lucas. We have had very long nights and were up quite a bit, so we were trying to catch up on our rest during the day. I got a lot of medical "paperwork" done today in bed, as well as watched two movies and paid bills. So, needless to say it was a lazy day. I did however call the doctor to inquire about what do to about some congestion that Lucas seems to have going on. You can hear it when he breathes and although he doesn't seem to mind, it is preventing him from getting good sleep. So, I called and they didn't really need to see him and simply recommended some over the counter nasal spray. In addition to the congestion, I called cause he hasn't pooped in three days and he is squirming around quite a bit like his belly is hurting him. So, I wanted to make sure everything was okay and he didn't have any issues going on. Much to my surprise, they said three days was fairly normal, but to call if he doesn't go within the next few days. So, again we simply tried to get caught up on some rest and relaxation!

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