So, today started off a little shaky and seemed to get worse as the day went on. Uncle Scott had gone to a Cardinals game in St. Louis with grandpa and great gpa, so we were on our own today. Shane got up this morning and indicated he felt dizzy off and on all morning, which scared us a little bit since he got hit pretty hard with the golf ball. He wasn't sure what he should do, so he contacted the doctor's office to get their opinion. They said it didn't sound like it was too bad, but if he didn't start to feel better by the afternoon, we should call back. So, he layed in bed most of the morning and it didn't seem to be getting better. Every time he got up, he felt dizzy and had to sit back down. So, he called them back and the instructed him to go to the promt care, which we did. And, after about five minutes of checking him out, they instructed us to go to the ER to have more tests done. So, off we went...all four of us! I had thought about calling to have someone watch the kids, but then decided against it...which ended up to be just fine cause Dina came up to the hospital with us, so she helped to keep them occupied. We were at the ER for over three hours, which was way too long for what they actually some tests, and do a head scan to make sure there was no internal damage. After the results came back, we were thankful that all was well, and there was no major damage to his bone structure or to the brain itself. They indicated it was vertigo, so thankfully they sent us on our way with good news!! Now, it was just going to have to heal on its own, and they gave him some medicine for the dizziness. So, what could have been a lot worse, seemed to be minor...simply more embarrassing for Shane to have to relive the story to all the doctors and nurses!! :-) He will never live this one down!!
This is the Cline Family's official website. It will provide updates on how we are all doing and give family and friends a way to keep up with the events in our lives!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Happy Birthday Fish Fry!!
Today was Scott's birthday, which was another reason he was in town this weekend! So, we had planned the traditional Davis family fish fry and Gma and Gpa's. It was fairly hot today, but that didn't stop the kids from heading to the playground at Oak Grove, which was right down the street. And, there were bubbles and the ice cream truck even made a stop at the house. So, the kids were on cloud nine!!
After the fish fry, we met back at Nana and Paw Paw's...without the go have some dinner. Daddy and Uncle Tim took the kids back to our house, so we could enjoy a nice dinner without having to worry about the kiddos, which was extremely nice. We were able to visit with Scott and Mathus and have a nice relaxing night. So, all in all, it was a great day!! All the pictures are listed below.
Lucas Allen and the rest of the kiddos!
Well, today turned into a very interesting day of golf for Shane. I got a call from Shane half way through his golf game indicating that he may have Tim take him to the emergency room, cause he got hit in the mouth with a golf ball. So, instantly I was worried and as he was telling me what happened, he started talking himself out of going to the ER. However, I did convince him to let Tim bring him home, so he didn't pass out in the car on the way home. When he got home, I couldn't believe it, both his lips were swollen, which changed the entire look of his face. He definitely did not look like himself, but we got ice on it right away and the swelling started to go down. Apparently, what made the story even more crazy was that he hit himself. He was trying to get himself out a tight spot apparently, and managed to hit a big rock that sent the ball directly back to the center of his mouth. It was such a bizarre, fluke thing that is definitely once in a lifetime...he couldn't manage to do this again if he tried! So, needless to say, he was out of commision the rest of the day and just rested and kept ice on it, while we headed to a fish fry at my gma and gpa's for the Davis family! I have a few pictures of his mouth, but need permission first to post them! :-)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The after party....
Retirement Party Surprise!!!
What an amazing day....we are extremely excited that this went off without a hitch! Beth, Shell and I had planned a surprise retirement party for Mom and Marc, and it went just as planned! We got up this morning and got ready at the house, and much to our surprise, Mom called to see what we had planned for the day. So, it was really difficult not to spill the beans, but she really had no clue what was going on. She simply mentioned that Beth was coming into town, so would probably want to meet Lucas. So, we planned to stop by there a little later in the day....knowing full well we would already be together for the party! So, the call went smoothly and I managed to keep everything in tact! So, later that morning we made it to the party to help Beth decorate and everyone was supposed to be there at noon, and then they would be arriving around 12:30. So, all of their family and friends were there, and Beth did a fantastic job of getting them there for their "lunch date." She did wonderful and boy were they surprised!
It was perfect! They walked in and the kids were about jumping out of their seats. We had told them that once they got here to yell surprise! So, without missing a beat, the second Kaleigh saw them...all the way across the room...she yelled surprise as loud as she could. And, she was the only one!! :-) It was the cutest thing, but as they continued to walk across the restuarant, everyone else stood up and yelled surprise too! So, it was perfect and the looks on their faces were great! They were excited to see everyone and you could tell that they honestly did not have a clue!!!
So, they made their way around the room to give hugs to everyone, and as they made it to the last group of friends, all of a sudden Scott had walked around the corner where he had been hiding and said, "So, what did I miss!?" The look on Mom's face was priceless!!!! The tears started flowing and it was a good thing Scott was so close and going in for a hug, cause she almost fell to the floor! She was soooo surprised and it was a perfect celebration! Marc got a little teary eyed as well, and it was definitely a great moment! It truly couldn't have been any better!!
Surprise party for Mom and Marc, with an even better suprise to have Scott home to help them celebrate! Although we were having a great time, we were still missing Adam and Sarah and wished they could have been there as well!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Meeting Uncle Scott!!
Our first official doctor appointment....
Well, it had been almost a week since Lucas had pooped so I called the doctor again. I called on Tuesday because I was worried, so I told myself I would last until Friday before calling again. So, this morning bright and early, I called Dr. Baety to see if he wanted us to come in and he did right away. He wanted to check to make sure his belly wasn't hard and that everything was okay, but he assured us it was normal. In fact, he said he could have told us this over the phone, but just wanted to check him out first. But, it is normal and he said he could do this for the first six or eight weeks just until he gets on a more routine schedule. He said his own daughter would go once every seven days, but it was routine that on the seventh day, they knew it was coming. So, that made me feel a lot better, but I would be even better after he poops. It's crazy what you wish for when you are a mother...I was hoping and excited to change a poopy diaper! During his visit, he got weighed and was actually up to 9 pounds and 2 ounces already. So, he is a growing boy and that was something else they wanted to check to make sure he was still progressing. So, it seemed all was well! And, just what the doctor ordered, he pooped as soon as we got home and didn't stop for the rest of the day. I stopped counting!!! Yeah!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
A Familiar Face....Kathy!!!
Today was a big day for both Lucas and Olivia. We started the day with Aunt Shell and the kids coming over to visit and Shell getting to feed Lucas with a bottle for the first time. He was either so hungry that it didn't matter, or he is going to be just as great with his transitions as Olivia was, cause he drank the entire bottle with no problem at all! He was a pro and drank four ounces in no time. I did run the bottle under warm water to try to get it room temperature first, so not sure if that will be how he prefers it, but I didn't do that with Olivia. I didn't want her to get used to the warm milk in the event we were out somewhere and wasn't able to warm it. So, we'll see how he does! Today, he did fabulous! Such a big boy!!
Later that afternoon, Olivia was napping and got a visit from her favorite sitter, Kathy! It was so sweet cause Kathy held Lucas for a few minutes before we woke her up, and she wanted to be the one to wake her up. But, Olivia was so out of it that she just kind of gave a quick smile and back to sleep she went. I am not sure she really knew who it was at first cause she was kind of in a daze. So, we let her sleep for a little while longer and then tried again. This time she got really excited and knew it was Kathy! They were definitely glad to see each other, and Kathy commented on how big she was getting, especially next to Lucas. So, we visited for a while and Kathy bought them each a gift, which was so sweet. Olivia loves her purse and of course wouldn't put it down all night! It was a great visit and now Olivia wants to go spend the night with them so she can see the rest of the family! We sure do miss the Brady's!!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Looooong days....
The past two days were spent mostly in bed with Lucas. We have had very long nights and were up quite a bit, so we were trying to catch up on our rest during the day. I got a lot of medical "paperwork" done today in bed, as well as watched two movies and paid bills. So, needless to say it was a lazy day. I did however call the doctor to inquire about what do to about some congestion that Lucas seems to have going on. You can hear it when he breathes and although he doesn't seem to mind, it is preventing him from getting good sleep. So, I called and they didn't really need to see him and simply recommended some over the counter nasal spray. In addition to the congestion, I called cause he hasn't pooped in three days and he is squirming around quite a bit like his belly is hurting him. So, I wanted to make sure everything was okay and he didn't have any issues going on. Much to my surprise, they said three days was fairly normal, but to call if he doesn't go within the next few days. So, again we simply tried to get caught up on some rest and relaxation!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Funfilled Day of Visiting!
Today was a busy day filled with many visitors, and this time we were actually the ones to go visit! It was nice to get out of the house for a bit too! We started by going up to Oak Grove to visit Nana and her friends at work. Of course Lucas got passed around quite a bit, but he never seemed to mind, he was quite content the entire morning. Then, we went to Aunt Shirley's for lunch and met Paw Paw there for a few minutes too! Kim and Rachel walked over to meet him for a little bit as well, and it was wonderful to see them since it had been so long.
Afterwards, we went to Gma and Gpa's house and met up with Grandpa too. We had a nice visit with them too and managed to get several good pictures of Lucas with them.
Later that evening, I managed to get away for a few hours to have dinner with the girls. We went to Monical's and although I was thinking of the kids all night, it was really nice to get away, with the exception of one message we received from the boys. Tim had gone over to our house to be with Shane and let the kids play. So, they decided it would be funny to send me a video of Lucas crying frantically. It was so sweet of him and they got a really nice close up of his face, but even more funny was they did it cause they knew it would make my boobs fill up! And, they were right! So, it was pretty funny and clever on there part, but really just made me want (and need) to get home to feed him! Regardless, it was a nice evening with the girls!!!
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