Saturday, November 13, 2010

Soccer and Dinner with the Bradys!

This morning started out great, and ended even better! We got up early for Soccer again this morning, and Olivia couldn't have been more excited. I truly think she is evnjoying this far more tha Tball, so we are just gonna go with it! Daddy came again today, but he went out on the field with Olivia and Mommy stayed with Lucas this time. I was itching to get out there and help and have fun, but I just had to watch from the sidelines. She did really great, and learned several new things today. During the scrimmage game at the end, she actually chased the ball a little more and kicked it once or twice. But, she also stayed fairly close to Shane and wanted him to help her out too. She got to be goalie at one point too, which couldn't have been any sweeter, cause she was ready to go with her hands down on her knees and all. The ball didn't get to her much, but it was so sweet nonetheless. Parker had a ball during his scrimmage too, and honestly I don't think he left the ball get any more than about 6 inches from him the entire time! It was hilarious...he was pumped and ready to go!! So, they are loving it, which makes it so much fun to watch!
After soccer, we came home and cleaned house for most of the afternoon. Tim, Shell and the kids came over early in the afternoon, and hung out as we waited for the Brady's to get their too. We were finally able to get some time on the calendar for them to come for dinner, and boy was Olivia excited! Even though Mika wasn't able to come, all the kids had a great time! We had a nice dinner and it was great to catch up! After they left, we got the kids in the bathtub, since we were getting family pictures taken Sunday and then it was time for bed! This dinner was long overdue, and we had a wonderful visit!! It is so nice to have stayed close with Kathy and Brian, even though it's been a while since Olivia was there. I love that they continue to be a part of our family!!!

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