Friday, November 12, 2010

Flu Shots!

This morning started off a little rough. I got the kids up and ready and tried to prepare Olivia as much as I could that she was going to get her flu shot today. She seemed brave and kept saying she wanted to go first so she could show Lucas how easy it was and how brave she could be. So, that was the game plan. We got there and of course had to wait for a little while, which is never a good thing for a four and 6 monh old. Nevertheless, we made it in there and the nurse was fabulous. We saw Dr. Baety for Lucas's 6 month checkup and he said all was well...perfect and boring, in fact. He weighed 17 pounds, 6 ounces and was 27 inches long! He was right in the middle of the pack for his height, weight and head measurement. So, he is doing well. It has been about two weeks now that he has been having formula, as well as breast milk, and is doing wonderful. It doesn't even phase him at all, so that couldn't have gone better! The only other thing I had him check out was his dry skin. He had patches of dry skin on his belly, back and arms which Dr. Baety said was just that and to put Eucerin on it twice a day. So, that we will do.
Olivia was up next with her shots, and it was funny cause I asked Dr. Baety if he wanted to sit in there while they got them and I would go outside in the hallway...he just laughed and said I don't think so. I mentioned it to the nurse that I asked him, and she said of course not, he doesn't do any of the hard work, he's a big weinie....which Olivia got a big kick out of! Then, I sat her up on the table, pulled he pants down and she instantly grabbed my hands. Of course she wanted to stare right at the needle and see when she was going to do it. I tried to get her to look away cause she started getting a little nervous, but then she did it, it was over just like that, and Olivia never said a word. She did great!! I was surprised that she opted for the shot rather than the spray mist stuff, but she hates to put that stuff in her nose. So, there you have it then, she was done and it was Lucas's turn. He, on the other hand, had to get four shots. We layed him on the table and she stuck him once, and it was instant scream and tears. The nurse as fabulous though and stuck him twice in each leg....very quickly...and I was able to scoophim up right away. I had given them some tylenol before we left so I think that started to kick in, cause he layed his head on my shoulder and was out before I even got him in his carseat! Stickers for everyone and we were out the door!
Lucas slept for about two hours when we got home, and was exhausted! You couldn't even tell Olivia got her shot, and was doing just fine!!! So, another successful day at the doctor's office!!

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