Friday, June 4, 2010

One Month Old!!!!!

Here are some random pictures and many updates of Lucas at his one month birthday! He is getting bigger by the second and I cannot believe how much he has changed in just one month. People always tell you that time flies, but you really don't understand until you see your own kids growing up. Needless to say, Lucas is no exception. He is getting stronger too and already starting to hold his head up! Nursing has really started to get much better and I no longer want to throw him across the room every time he eats, so that is a wonderful thing. At his last one month checkup, he weighed 9 lbs. 2 oz, so is right on track. He is in the middle of the road as far as his height and weight too, so no worries or concerns at the doctor. He has started to smile more and coo at you when you smile at him, which is so sweet to see. That is one of the best things in the world is to see a baby smile! He loves his bath time, just like Olivia did when she was a baby. As soon as I put him in the water, he just gives me a big grin and smiles the entire time. I love it that he doesn't put up a fight and will stay for as long as I need him to. We are still doing baths at the kitchen sink in his little bath...much easier to have him at the counter level and me standing, rather than bending over the tub! I will try to do this as long as I can....and as long as he fits in his little baby bath! He also loves to be outside and take walks. We are trying to do more of it and get him outside cause he just loves to look around and be in the fresh air...not too hot yet, so that may change! Olivia is still doing fabulous with him, and gives him love every time she walks into the room. We truly have not seen any signs of jealousy after the first month, so we are hoping that continues. Every chance she can get, she wants to hold him and give him kisses and hugs!! He is still not pooping regularly, but the doctor doesn't seemed too concerned, so neither are we. Hopefully that will work itself out! We are enjoying him so much and I am definitely not going to want to go back to work! I am really taking advantage of this time off, and watching him grow right before my eyes!!

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