Monday, November 2, 2009

First Day of Pumpkin Place!!!

Such a big girl!!! So excited for her new school!

Daddy and Olivia

Looks like she is a little nervous here...just think she didn't want me to take her picture!!

First things first!!

I wasn't as nervous to take Olivia to the Pumpkin Place, cause she did sooo great at Noah's Ark. But, it was a new place to her, and she was a little leary at first. I could tell when we dropped her off, she had that look on her face like, are you really going to leave me here. But, surprisingly, she did great! She walked in and the first thing we have to do is wash our hands, so off she went. Then, they gave her breakfast, which was atually a really nice distraction. I was hoping all mornings would be like this. I did get a little teary-eyed...again...but I did okay. I was great to see her jump right in and not be so shy! She is going to do great, and I have heard nothing but wonderful things about this place, so let's hope that is the case for us too!


  1. These pics make me glad that I love little girls! Her little naked body for my vulgar, sinful pleasure. I’m masturbating just imagining me sexually molesting that little bitch!

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