Saturday, September 26, 2009


Nice swing Shell!

It was extremely early in the morning, so there was a whole lot of dew on the ground!

I was the camera man for the day!

Shell has been begging the boys to take her golfing during one of their weekend trips. So, this weekend they agreed to let us go. I wasn't feeling too great, but went along for the ride. I drove the cart, while the other three played. Not too much fun for me, but it was nice to spend time together!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Nana and Pa Pa's for a visit!

They must have talked Aunt Shirley into playing Bingo with them!

Nana and Pa Pa

Aunt Shell and Uncle Tim

Mommy and Daddy

Say cheese!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Kaleigh's Birthday Party!

Some of the kiddos coloring on the paper...very interested in what someone was saying???

Olivia and Parker

The birthday girl!!!

We could only have a few of them jump at the same time, otherwise it would have resulted in several trips to the ER. It was the little kids' turn now!!

Today was a great day for Kaleigh's birthday party. They decided to have it at their house this year, and she invited several of her friends from school and of course all of our friends and their kids as well. The kids had a ball, jumping on the trampoline, coloring on the butcher paper, playing upstairs, dancing to the music, etc. And the adults did what they do at the kids' beckon call all day long!! But, we had fun nonetheless!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Jumping on the trampoline!

This is an odd sight...Olivia is in a jacket, yet the other two have shorts or sleeveless tops??

I think they just woke up!!

Miss Olivia spent the night at Aunt Shell's last night before the party, so when I got there to pick her up, this is what I found! Jumping in their jammies!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Silly Olivia!

I don't even know how to explain this one...some things are better left unsaid!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Game Night!

Not much happening tonight, other than Olivia and I played Bingo.....ALL NIGHT LONG!! She didn't want to stop, and kept asking to play over and over and over again! So, we did! We had a great time, and since I am usually behind the camera, I asked Daddy to get our picture!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Kaleigh!!!

Kaleigh's party is this Sunday, so more pictures to come!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The house sold!!!

Everything has really happened so fast, which is what we wanted, but surely didn't expect. We put the house on the market and in only a week and a half, we received an offer and accepted! So, the last week has been crazy with the house inspection, the appraisal, and just finishing up with everything else. So, now we are really under pressure to find something right away.

Busy Day!

Silly Olivia!

Shane was in a golf tournament all weekend, so it was just Olivia and I to spend some qualit time together. It was her second day of preschool, so she was excited to go back which is always a good sign! We keep getting her excited about going, and talking it up all the time, so hopefully this trend continues. If she is anything like her Mommy, she will love school!!

We did have another showing today, so that is also very exciting. We are hoping this is a step in the right direction and we can sell the house in record time! Keep your fingers crossed!

Later that evening, Olivia was feeling rather goofy and decided to get into the Johnny Jumper we had pulled out for the new baby! Of course, I didn't question, but rather went to get my camera!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day of Preschool - Pictures!

My happy girl...on her way to her first day of preschool!

Such a big girl, it doesn't seem possible!

Miss Independent! Princess book bag of course!!

Would love to know what she was thinking...seems a little nervous, but this would have been the only time she showed it!!

She found her name right away as soon as we walked into the room! Luckily, there were no other Olivias in her class!

Her cubby was on the very end, so would be easy to find!

Play time with the puzzles...very much on her own and didn't interact too much with the ther kids at first. But, several introduced themselves and she did right back!

Sweet girl, so proud of herself today!

Of course we had to take a picture near the sign, and we definitely weren't the only ones...there was a line at one point!

Mommy and her big girl!

Now one with her second Mommy!

Miss Karen

Miss Jamie

Her classroom...the building was brand new, so everything was perfectly clean and neat. Everything had its least for now! This was the first class in the new building.

More pictures of the classroom.

This was posted on the door to the classroom! She was so excited to see her name on one of the apples!!!

First Day of Preschool!

I can hardly believe it, but Olivia actually started at Noah's Ark today...her first day of preschool! She couldn't be more excited, and Mommy couldn't be more sad! I am definitely excited for her, cause Kathy and I have been saying she is ready for this...unfortunately, Mommy isn't ready just yet. She feels so grown up, and I know she is going to do just wonderful! I am the problem though...I am a hot mess right now and just want to get it over with! Of course I had to take the day off so I could be the one to take her, but I also wanted Kathy to be able to share in this big moment. She has been such a wonderful part of her life and like a second mother to her, so I didn't want her to miss out! Our baby is growing up!!!
Of course I had my camera, so was able to capture the moments leading up to the day, and just how excited she was. We have been building this up for so long, and so she really was excited to go and check things out. And, we definitly couldn't have done this without Kathy, cause she will be dropping her off and picking her up three times a week, which only adds to her already chaotic day. But, she basically told us that she would be doing this for her kids, and since Olivia was one of her own, she doesn't mind a bit!!! We certainly know how lucky we are!!!
We got there early, of course, so had some time to snap some pictures by the sign and while we were waiting. I couldn't hardly control myself and wanted to burst into tears, but I had to hold it together! She was so excited the entire time, and I didn't want to take that away from her. So, off we went into her classroom. She was able to find her name on the table, her assigned seat. And, she had her own little cubby hole for her coat and backpack. She was so proud, and so was Mommy!
The parents were able to stay for a little bit, and just look around and make sure everyone was doing okay. Then, the teacher gathered all the kids on the floor to work on some puzzles, and the parents were then able to leave. I had a hard time finally making our way out the door but I did it, and knew she would be great!!! She looked so big on the floor with her puzzles, but it was time! She was ready, so I needed to be too!
So many questions were running through my mind: Will she get along with the other kids, will she like her teacher, how much will she learn, will she understand everything, etc????? But after the first or second day, my mind was at ease. She was doing great, and the answers to most of the questions were yes! She did great, and will continue to be happy!! She absolutely was ready!!
The pictures of her first day are listed below!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Wedding Reception - Matt Schaab

Our perfect little family!

Mommy and Daddy

Grandma and Mommy

Aunt Jenny and Daddy

Daddy dancing with his best girl.

Olivia had so much fun with this little girl...they were inseparable all night!

More dancing with the streamers....

We went to Matt and Miranda's wedding reception tonight, which Olivia had been talking about forever. She was so excited to go dancing that she couldn't hardly stand it. They were having a very casual tailgating type reception, which was so much fun and exactly our kind of party! We didn't dres accordingly, because Olivia just looked to darn cute in her dress! So, off we went! Olivia must have been on the dance floor the entire night...with Mommy, with Grandma, with Daddy...she didn't care! She had a great time and danced until she couldn't dance any more!! We had a wonderful time and it was so much fun!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

More fun at the Park!

Kaleigh was a little mad that things weren't going her way, so she was frowning, but the other two were having a blast!

Too cute for words!

Such a boy, climbing on the most dangerous thing on the playground!

Aunt Shell and I took the kids to Alpha Park today. We went to visi with our grandparents first and it was so nice that we decided to spend some time outside!! Never a bad thing with three kids!!! Let them out and run around!!

Preschool Orientation

So much has been ging on for us lately...not only do we have our home on the market, ready to sell, but our baby is going to start preschool soon! Yikes, the time sure flies. People tell you that all the time, but until you have kids and can see it for yourseflf, you never realize it! So, tonight we went to an orientation at Noah's Ark. It was an opportunity for all the parents to check out the school, the classrooms, meet the teachers and just her all about what they have to offer. It was so exciting for Mommy especially. The kids got to play in the classroom while the parents went to another room to hear all the guidelines and such. It was so much fun and even though it makes me sad to see her grow up so fast, I know she is ready for this and she will be great!!!! I didn't want to be one of those parents with the camera, so I didn't even bring it! I really wasn't okay with that, but I'm pretty sure Shane forbid me to bring it! Don't worry, there will be pictures on her first day!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Our first showing of the house!!!

I was so excited today, cause I got a call from our realtor, Carolyn at work today! She said someone called and wanted to see the house. So, even though we have been keeping it cleaned up, I wanted to get home to tidy u p just a bit before they came!!! Here we go.....