Sunday, August 30, 2009

Playing at the Park!

Such a great shot...Olivia kept saying higher Daddy!!

Really? Quick call while you're swinging??

Olivia thinks she is pretty hot stuff when she gets to walk Winston!

Running around on the playground!

Daddy was doing a little fishing while we were swinging!

Say cheese!

We took Olivia and Winston and went to the Eureka Lake park this afternoon, just to hang out as a family. We have so much fun, and I swear Olivia could swing allllll day long!! She loves it. Winston loves being able to run around too!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Smarty Pants!

Wow, that's a lot of jewelry!

Olivia absoltuely loves to play on the computer, and has become quite the little smarty pants. She plays all sorts of games and it amazes me every day how much she can do on the computer! In this picture she is playing a Dora Bingo game, and she loves it!!! She is so much smarter than we were at this age...amazing how different thier childhoods are from ours!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The test results are.......

Positive!!! We are officially having another baby!!!! I actually took two tests just to be sure! This is how we shared the news with are families this time, I emailed this picture! I think someone actually asked if we were having twins, since there were two tests!! Thanksfully, that is not the case, but we are extremely excited about Baby Cline number two and look forward to sharing all of the details with you!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

House is almost ready!

Well, we have been workng non-stop on getting the house ready to go up on the market. I think we are finally getting it where we want it! But, Carolyn is coming over soon to walk through it again and see all the changes we have made. I hope we are getting closer!! Here are a few pictures of the updates!! Pay close attention, it may not stay like this for long!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Eureka Festival

Grrrrr...mean tiger!!!

Sweet Panda Bear!

Beautiful butterfly!

Aunt Shell and I took the kids to the Eureka Festival today, while the boys were golfing..of course. This year they had face painting so we absolutely were not leaving until each of them were done...according to them anyway! So, here are the final results!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Time off with the kids...

Sweet Kaleigh Ryan!

Daddy was loving on them too!


Shell and the kids came over to hang out today, and I volunteered to let them stay overnight. Shell needed me to watch them tomorrow, so of course I had to say yes! What is better than taking a day off work...and getting to spend time with these kiddos!! So much fun!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Brimfield Carnival!

The kids loved this big tortoise, and asked several times to ride it!

In such awe and amazment of all the animals!

Chad and all the kiddos!

Honk, honk!!

Well, it's already been a really long day, but now it was time for the carnival! They kids were again so excited to get going. We spent some more time at Tara's getting some snacks, drinks and colling off a bit. But then it was right back at it. We walked up to the carnival and told the kids they were able to only do a certain amount of rides and that was it. They agreed, surprisingly, and so it began. We let them ride on several rides, and play a few games and they had a wonderful time. There was even a little petting zoo area, which the kids absolutely loved! All was well in the kiddos' world today!!!

Brimfield Parade!

Show me some candy!!! We are ready!!!

Bags in hand, ready to go!!

Our little picnic area!

My little princess!

After the fun races this morning, we headed back to Tara's to relax, get out of the heat for a while, and get the kids ready for the parade! Of course, they were able to get a little dress up time in before it was time to go! I am not sure what they were more excited about, the race, the parade or the carnival! All of the above, I'm sure! So, the parade was next on our agenda. We got the best spot in the house, right up the street from Tara's, and we were able to sit on the church's steps. So, we were in a nice shady spot, and had a little picnic lunch for everyone! It was so much fun, and as you can imagine, the kids came home with a truckload of candy!!!

Kids Fun Run!!

Olivia with her treat after the race!

Good job kiddos, so proud of you!

Proud grandparents!!

Go Emma Go!

Parker and Lily were doing great!!

Nice form Olivia!!

Kaleigh was in the lead...good job!!

Waiting for the fun to begin!!

Off they went to start the race!!!

What was so cute about the Brimfield Old Settler Days was they had a kids run too! All three of the kids were so excited to get started after seeing Mommy and Aunt Shell run. Emma and Lily also ran the race, so there were five of our little ones running, and we couldn't have been prouder! Several adults took the kids about a quarter of a mile down the road, and of course, Olivia was walking immediately beside one of the ladies. She was so cute, and then once they were in place, off they went running towards to crowd! It was neat cause then we were waiting to see them cross the finish line! None of them were too concerned about coming in first, but were just having the most fun running from start to finish! It was the cutest thing ever, and they were so proud. They all got a ribbon for running, and of course we had to treat them with snow cones!!

Brimfield Old Settler Days

The gang after the race....we look like it was easy, right!?

Aunt Shell and I finally getting to the finish line...with our cheerleaders on the sidelines!

Our biggest fans!!

Getting ready to run...

Today was such an exciting day! We had planned to run in the Brimfield Old Settler Days, and since we hadn't been running, we knew it was going to be tough....and it was! It was only a 5K race, but it took everything we had to get through it! We started off at Tara's to get everyone ready to go! And, we had a lot of fans in the audience! Nana and Paw Paw came to cheer us on, and had the kids with them while we ran! So, we had the cheerleaders in place, and now it was time to get the job done! Tara and Jeff were also running, but they were ahead of us from the beginning, and helped cheer Aunt Shell and I on to the finish line...of course sine they were already done! We just might have pulled up the rear the entire race..actually there were others behind us, but not many!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Work Party!

Mommy, Lara, Danica, Carolyn, and Kristel



Danica and Carolyn


Today was a busy day of running errands, since I was off work today! So, we made it to Olivia's new preschool to get her registered, went to the Courthouse to get some paperwork for the house, went to the car dealership, the Vet for stuff for Winston, Ace hardware, lunch and finally to Walmart. So, it was a crazy, but very productive day! So, I decided to take some time away and went to a co-workers house for our monthly game night. We went to Carolyn's and had a ball!!